Development of Jidouhanbaiki in Japan Today
Japan is one of the developed countries with the largest economy in the world and is a country of technological development and industrialization that continues to advance rapidly from telecommunications, automotive to electronic equipment. One of the advanced technologies in Japan is jidouhanbaiki which is a vending machine selling various types of goods and spread throughout Japan. The use of jidouhanbaiki which is easy and convenient, really helps the lives of Japanese people to meet their daily needs. This study aims to describe the factors causing the development ofjidouhanbaiki in Japan and its impact on Japanese society. Attitude is interpreted as a reaction or response that arises from an individual to an object which then raises individual behavior towards the object in certain ways (Saifudin, 2010: 3). While behavior is an activity that exists in individuals does not arise by itself, but the result of the stimulation of the individual (Soekidjo, 1997: 118). This type of research are descriptive. By describing what factors caused the development of jidouhanbaiki in Japan and its impact on Japanese society. Data collection techniques carried out by means of library research (library research). The data analysis technique is done by: (a) clarifying the data, (b) analyzing, and (c) collecting the data that has been obtained. Based on the results of data analysis and discussion, found the factors causing the development of jidouhanbaiki in Japan, namely: (a) creative and innovative Japanese society, (b) low crime or vandalism in Japan, (c) lack of human resources and increased tourism in Japan . The positive impact arising from the development of
jidouhanbaiki helps Japanese people who want to shop practically, comfortably and efficiently, can supervise the elderly, children and supervise the surrounding environment because jidouhanbaiki is equipped with surveillance cameras, reducing the number of underage smokers, helping affected communities disaster, as a media for disseminating information and promotion. While the negative impact of the development of jidouhanbaiki are the reduced interaction between sellers and buyers, the emergence of bad behavior to steal the money that is in jidouhanbaiki, large electricity consumption.
Keywords : Jidouhanbaiki, Japanese Society, Technology