An Analysis of Positive politeness strategies in Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince movie
Politeness is “behavior that respectful and considerate of other people,” it “refers to thebehaviors through which we routinely interact with the others (both linguistically and non
linguistically) to effect a smooth, efficient, non-antagonistic, and mutually cooperative exchange.
of ideas feelings, opinions, stances, and so forth. in accordance with the sets of social and
cultural norms in which such interaction takes place, and typically taking into account the mutual
maintenance of the face of the interacting parties.” Susan Strauss & Parastou Feiz, (2014:244).
Furthermore, there are four categories of politeness strategies stated by Brown and Levinson
(1987), they are “the bald on record strategy, the positive politeness strategy, the negative
politeness strategy, and bald off record strategy.” Then, positive politeness strategies have fifteen
kinds, there are “notice, exaggerate, intensify interest to hearer, use in-group identity markers,
seek agreement, avoid disagreement, presuppose, joke, assert or presuppose speaker’s knowledge
of and concern for hearer’s wants, offer/promise, be optimistic, include both speaker and hearer
in the activity, give (or ask for) reasons, assume or assert reciprocity, give gifts to hearer.””A
study politeness is very interesting because it is one of the aspects of the language. In this
research, the writer will discuss about positive politeness strategies. The writer hopes, this
research can help the reader to give information about the positive politeness and can get better
understanding about a politeness and use politeness in a daily conversation. This research gives
contribution in linguistic fields for next who want to analyze about politeness especially about
positive politeness and also it will give an additional knowledge to them who are interested about
positive politeness. And it can increase knowledge between the writer and the readers in studying
pragmatics and also linguistics.
In this research, the methodology used were qualitative method that refers to“the process
of inquiry to understand social or human problems based on building holistic and complex
images, formed with words, without using numbers or statistic. Then, the writer used pragmaticsdiscourse analysis approach in analyzing the data. The steps to do in collecting the data were
watching the movie to finds some the data that used the strategies of positive politeness
strategies. From the movie, it was found a number of utterances that expressed of positive
politeness strategies that used by the character in “Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince”
The writer formulates some research questions: “What are the strategies used by the main
characters to express positive politeness in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince movie? What
factor influences the character to employ those strategies in the movie?” The object that the
writer found on the research is 20 data. The data that the writer found is 14 strategies from 15
strategies in the movie, they are““notice, exaggerate, intensify interest to hearer, use in-group
identity markers, seek agreement, avoid disagreement, presuppose, joke, offer/promise, be
optimistic, include both speaker and hearer in the activity, give (or ask for) reasons, assume or
assert reciprocity, give gifts to hearer.”
This section the writer describes and showing the data that has been found in the movie.
First, the writer found fourteen strategies of positive politeness strategies used by the character.
Secondly, the writer explain the factor influence the characters to employ those strategy in the
movie. For example the writer found the data number 1 that is notice, in minutes (28:32 -28:56).
“Would you like me to fix it for you? Personally, I think you look a bit more... devil” in the
conversation showed that Luna used a type of positive politeness strategy namely notice,
interests, wants, needs, and goods of notification hearers. In this conversation situation between
Luna and Harry, it is clear from the way Luna said "do you want me to fix it for you? Personally,
I think you look a little more ... devil" in the conversation, Luna conveyed to Harry and noticed
Harry's bad condition because Harry's nose is broken, because stepped on by Malfoy, because
luna has empathy to Harry then Luna offers to fix his nose, Harry also doubts that Luna never
fixes his nose, but Harry accepts an offer from Luna, and Luna does it to fix Harry's nose, and
the result is Harry's nose returns to normal and say thanks to Luna. Factor influences that “Luna
uses the strategy because she was influence by several factors, namely payoff and Social
Distance.” She uses a positive politeness strategy by minimizing FTA and convincing Harry that
she wants to fulfill the listener's desires. In social distance they have a close relationship.
Then, the writer found 14 strategies of positive politeness strategies used by the characters in
the movie, for example notice, exaggerate, intensify interest to hearer, and using in group
identity.“Based on the data analysis, the strategies used influenced by factor influence, such as
payoff, relevant circumstances. The use of the positive politeness strategy, the speaker can
minimize the FTA by convincing the hearer that the speaker thinks he is the same, that the
speaker likes the hearer and wants to fulfill the hearer's wishes.” Speakers can avoid or minimize
FTAs such as requests and offers. This factor is almost found in all data. Another factor is the
“relevant circumstances of social distance (D) and relative power (P). From the results of the
analysis, there are factors that are influenced by the character using positive politeness strategies.’
Keyword: Positive politeness, types of positive politeness strategies, factor influence.