An Analysis of Positive Politeness Strategies in Wild movie


  • Alifah Nurani
  • Nova Rina
  • Al Azwad Fauzan


e-width: 0px; "> Politeness is important in building a good communication with others. The
purpose is to maintain good relationship between speaker and hearer. When somebody
tries to have a talking politely, the speaker also has to pay attention to the hearer’s
feeling. Politeness shows awareness of other people’s face, its related to social
distance. Politeness refers to the emotional and social feeling by everyone.The people
in relationship need to preserve both kinds of faces to interact with the politeness of
their participant utterance.Politeness strategy used will depend on how close the
relationship between the speaker and the hearer.Therefore, the intention of this
research explains which strategies used in the conversation and the factors influenced
include the characters in Wild movie by Jean Marc-Valee.
So far, the writer found that strategies according to Brown and Levinson (1987)
to explain about positive politeness strategies that used by the characters in Wild
movie. Positive politeness is redress directed to the addressee’s positive face, his
perennial desire that his wants should be thought of as desirable. Positive politeness
are in many respects simply representative of the normal linguistic behavior between
intimates, where interest and approval of each other’s personality.According to Brown
and Levinson (1987:65), face actually has two types, positive face want and negative
face want. An individual’s positive face want:reflected in his or her desires to be
liked, approved of, respected of and appreciated and also negative face want:that his
or her actions be unimpeded. According to Brown and Levinson (1987) face
issomething that is emotionally invest, and that can be lost, or enhanced , and must be
constantly attended to in interaction. In politeness there are two aspects: One is
negative face, the basic claim to territories, personal preserves, rights to nondistraction to freedom of action and freedom from imposition. The other is positive
face, the positive consistent self-image or “personality”.For this study, the writer
discussed about positive politeness strategies used by the characters and factor
influenced choose this strategies in Wild movie.
In doing the analysis this research used qualitative research. The object of
research is Wild movie. There are some steps that the writer used to do the research,
they are source of data, technique of collecting data, and technique of analyzing the
data. A qualitative research is a research strategy that indicates the relationship
between theory and research Sudaryanto (1993) and Miles and Huberman (1994) and
the writer used sense of sight and sense of hearing to analyze the data in the movie.
The data collection are: 1). Takes the written source of movie script 2). Re-watching
the movie to find the data that have sub-strategies one of types of positive politeness
strategies 3). Make notes 4). Phrase of the movie. From the movie, it found there were
some utterances that express of positive politeness strategies that used by the
characters in Wild movie and factors influenced the character in movie, they are: 1).
Payoff, 2). Relevant Circumstances.
The results of this research are the positive politeness strategy and the factors
influence the characters employ those strategies. They are: 1). Exaggerate 2). Use ingroup identity markers 3). Avoid disagreement 4). Joke 5).Offer, promise 6). Include
both the speaker and the hearer in the activity 7). Give (or ask for) reasons 8). Give
gifts to the hearer. Then, the writer also found factor influenced the characters
employed those strategies, they are: 1). Payoff 2). Relevant Circumstances, have three
dimension, among them are: 1). Relative Power 2). Social Distance 3).Size of
imposition. Based on the findings, in this research there are 15 strategies of positive
politeness according to Brown and Levinson (1987) but the writer only found 8
strategies. After the analysis have been completed, the writer made a table to show the
data from this research related to positive politeness strategy according to Brown and
Levinson’s theory.
The writer has done the analysis of positive politeness strategies in Wild movie.
From this research, the writer suggested to those who have a desire to analyze about
positive politeness. In addition, the writer can give some inspiration to the next
researcher to complete about positive politeness. The writer hopes this research will
be useful for next researchers to find 7 strategies that have not been found by the
writer in Wild movie. Thus, this research can be useful and can be some of reference
for those people who want to analyze for further research.
Keywords: Politeness, type of positive politeness strategies, factor influence

Author Biography

Alifah Nurani

Jurusan Sastra Asia Timur


