An Analysis of Positive Politeness In Harry Potter And The Chamber of Secrets Movie


  • Jenti Siagian
  • Yusrita Yanti
  • Elfiondri Elfiondri


h: 0px; "> Politeness is one of language that is often used in communicating to interact with someone. Because politeness is an important part of people in everyday communication.In additional, Communication also aims to create relationships with other people by way of conveying polite language so that the hearer easily understand to whom and where the speaker talk. Politeness refers to the emotional and social feeling by everyone. Being polite therefore consists of attempting to save face for another.In this case, Politeness is needed to build good relationships and to have good social interactions with others.Using politeness made by hearers can provide a good response to the request of the speaker.Politeness as behaving in a social acceptable way with proper manners and etiquette.In using politeness it is very important to understand the context to be spoken so that the hearer feels comfortable in conveying a dialogue. Politeness phenomena do not only occur in daily conversations, but also in the dialogue found in a movie Harry Potter and The Chambers of Secrets.In this research, the writer only focus to be analyzed in terms of positive politeness strategies. Brown and Levinson (1987) provide the defenition of face “it is the public self-image that every member wants to claim for himself” and they make a distinction between positive face wants: the desire to gain the approval of others,and negative face wants: the desire to be unimpeded by others. Positive politeness utterances are not only used by the participants who have known each other fairly well, but also used as a kind of metaphorical extension of intimacy to imply common ground or to sharing of wants to limited extent between strangers. Theory Brown and Levinson (1987:70) , the writer chooses positive politeness to analyze the data. Positive politeness is the need to be accepted, even liked, to be treated as member of the same group, and to know that his or her wants to be shared by others. According to Brown and Levinson (1987:101), “positive politeness is redress directed to the adressee’s positive face, his perennial desire that his wants (or the actions/acquisitions/values resulting from them) should be thought of as desirable”.The aim of this research to discuss about positive politeness strategies used by the character and social factor influenced the characters to employ positive politeness by Janet Holmes (2013:8). In this research, the writer used qualitative analysis method. Qualitative research is a research strategy that indicates the relationship between theory and research.There are some steps that the writer uses to do the research, they are source of data, technique of collecting data, and technique of analyzing the data. The data of the research by Sudaryanto (1993) and Miles and Huberman (1994) they are: transcript movie, watch the film, make notes, and phrase of the movie.The aim is to describe the phenomenon of data analysis in which the research conclusions will be drawn. From the movie, it was found there were some utterances that express types the positive politeness strategies that used by the character and social factor influencing the character in movie, they are : (1) the participant (who is speaking), (2) the setting (where are they speaking), (3) the topic (what is being talked about), (4) the function (why are they speaking). Based on the research the writer find out two discussion from the researches question. The first section discusses and explains the data found in Harry Potter and The Chambers of
Secret movie. The data found is related to a positive politeness strategy in the film Harry
Potter and The Chambers of Secret movie. The second part consists of the discussion of the data found in the movie, this section provides the explanation of positive politeness strategies and social factors that influence the character to use the strategy.In this research,the writer found 7 strategies from 15 positive politeness strategies and found 13 dialogues from that 7 strategies found in Harry Potter and The Chambers of Secrets movie, they are : (1). Exaggerating interest, approval, and sympathy with the hearer, (2).Using in-group identity markers, (3). Seeking agreement, (4). Promise (5). Be optimistic (6).Include both S and H in the activity (7).Give (or ask) reason. Then, the writer explains the social factors that influence the character to employ thoose in Harry Potter and The Chambers of Secret movie. It is discovered that there are four social factor namely the participant, the setting, the topic and the function. Meanwhile, the topic of social factor does not appear because the characters tend to only find out the purpose being talked about rather than expressing the topic being talked.Finally, the writer also hopes this research will be continued in other cases of positive politeness. Because not only in some about strategies but many of positive politeness will be analyzed by another researcher. from this research will make another researcher to interest and can be more observe about politeness especially about positive politeness, as well as social factors influence character in conveying positive politeness. it also will be useful and can be some of references for those people who are concerned for further research.
Keywords : Politeness, Positive Politeness, Social factor Harry Potter and The Chamber of

Author Biography

Jenti Siagian

Jurusan Sastra Asia Timur


