The Meaning of Wishful Thinking in The Lyrics of Christmas Song and Mabataki: Strata Norm Roman Ingarden


  • Kuntari Kuntari
  • Tienn Immerry
  • Aimifrina Aimifrina


"> In this thesis the author analyzes two of song lyrics from Back Number, that
areChristmas Song and Mabataki. The reason for choosing the two lyrics of this song is
because it is in the provided that is desired in the sense. The purpose of this research is to
reveal the meaning of wishful thinking in two lyricsChristmas Songand Mabataki.
The theory uses in this study is the Roman Ingarden strata of norm, there are five layers
in analyzing poetry. 1) the first layer is the sound stratum; 2) the second layer is the layers of
meaning (units of meaning); 3) the third layer, namely the objects stated, actors, setting and
world of the author; 4) the fourth layer is the "world" layer; 5) the fifth layer is the
metaphysical layer (Waluyo, 1987). In research the meaning of wishful thinking in the form
of a picture in memory; own hopes in memory; imaginary,but in this study the meaning of
wishful thinking used is a picture in memory; own hopes in memory; fanciful.The theory
used in this study is the Roman Ingarden strata of norm.
This research is qualitative research with descriptive method. The data collecting
technique used is library reseach. The data analysis technique is carried out with several steps,
(1) listening to the song that is the object of research; (2) download and translatedthe lyrics;
(3) understanding the lyrics; (4) classify data based on Roman Ingarden strata; (5) analyze the
two song lyrics based on the second, third, fourth, and fifth layers; (6) analyze the meaning of
wishful thinking based on the second, third and fourth layers; (7) make a conclusion.
The results of this study showed the meaning of wishful thinking on the lyrics of the
song Christmas Song, there are 7 data images in memory, 13 data expectations of themselves
in memory, and 1 imaginary data. Domination the meaning of whishful thinking in Christmas
Song is their own hopes in memory. Me lyric want to be able to be with his lover and hope
that his lover know his feelings even though these hopes cannot be conveyed to his lover. If
relating to the title, Christmas Song, a celebration day held with loved ones who are filled
with expectations, but these expectations are not always fulfilled. In Mabatakilyrics, the
meaning of wishful thinking contained 6 data images in memory, 13 data of one's own
expectations in memory. Domination the meaning of whishful thinking in Mabatakiown
hopes in memory. Me lyric want to be with his lover and protect her when problems
happened to him. If relating to the titleMabatakiis likened to a blinking of eyes that very fast,
so that’s not all of these expectations can be fulfilled. The conclusion of this study is the
meaning of wishful thinking in the lyrics of the song Christmas Song and Mabataki in the
form of their own hopes in memory. Me lyrics have the desire to be able to express feelings
and protect his lover even though in the two song lyrics it is still in the memory. Still a
whishful thinking.
Keywords:song lyrics, Roman Ingarden strata of norm,t the meaning of wishful thinking

Author Biography

Kuntari Kuntari

Jurusan Sastra Asia Timur


