Ask of Two Lyrical Song by One Ok Rock Band : Four Kinds of Meaning


  • Nogi Tri Polta
  • Tienn Immerry
  • Aimifrina Aimifrina


The author analyzes two lyrics, that is Jibun Rock and Mikansei
Koukyoukyoku, from One Ok Rock band, this lyrics is written by the same poet and contained in the same album as well. The reason for choosing lyrics is cause the author found the same word and repeated it more than twice in this two lyrics, that word is jibun (self). This research aims to reveal the ask of this two lyrics through the nature of poetry. After analyzing the theme, feelings, tone and atmosphere, and the mandate of the classification of ask was made in the lyrics. The theory used in this research is the theory of the inner structure of poetry or more commonly called the nature of poetry. The inner structure of poetry is divided into themes (sense) are the main ideas expressed by the poet, the feeling of the poet (feeling) is the atmosphere of the poet's expressed feelings, the tone and atmosphere (tone) is the attitude of the poet. the poet towards the reader and the message (intention) is what drives the poet to make his poem (Waluyo,1987:106). This type of research is qualitative with descriptive methods. The data collection techniques carried out by means of library research (library research). Descriptive data analysis techniques were carried out with the following steps. (a) Listening the songs, (b) Download lyrics, (c) Read lyrics, (d) Translate lyrics, (e) Grouping theme, feelings, tone and atmosphere as well as mandating data and analyzing them, (f) Grouping the ask data and analyze them, (g) Summarize the results of the study. The results revealed, Jibun Rock lyrics had 6 ask data, 4 of them is invitations and 2 requests. The mandate to be conveyed in Jibun Rock lyrics is trying to find meaning in our life and be yourself. Furthermore, the lyrics of the song Mikansei Koukyoukyoku have 7 ask data, 5 of them is form invitations and 2 form requests. The mandate to be conveyed in the lyrics of the song Mikansei
Koukyoukyoku is do not be afraid of failure, the most important thing is to be yourself. It can be concluded, the entire ask data (13 data) is an ask to be yourself. However, all ask in both lyrics can also be addressed to others. Although the amount of asks data form requests is small (4 data), the essence of the two lyrics is in request. Requests of both lyrics are not lying to themselves; not reject yourself; Be yourself and do what you are thinking about. All these requests are related to jibun (self).
Keywords: song lyrics, jibun, ask, solicitation, invitation

Author Biography

Nogi Tri Polta

Jurusan Sastra Asia Timur


