The Analysis of Men’s and Women’s Language Features Found in Two Western Movies


  • Farhan Kurniawan Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Temmy Thamrin Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Nova Rin Universitas Bung Hatta


INTRODUCTION . There are two problems that writer want to search, because the writer took men and women character that needed for acquiring the data. What are the types of men’s and women’ language features used in the two movies?, How men’s and women’s language features are distinctively used in the two movies?.(2) According to Holmes (2013;160) men and women spoke in different ways in any community. In the other hand the linguistics feature only occurs when men and women are shared the language, but this features only happen only to one side not both. (3) Lakoff as refered in Holmes (2003) proposed ten women’s language highlights ,(4) According to Coates (2004) he defines six language features that used by men. (5) Retiningrum, Cindy Dwi (2018) has done the research about “Women language features used by Lara Jean In The Movie To All the Boys I’ve loved Before” . She aims that to reveal the types and function of women’s language features used by Lara Jean in the source of data. (6) Putra, Bayu Anggara and Prayudha (n.d) has done the research about “The Analysis of Women and Men Language Features on America’s Got Talent”.. The theory they use is from Lakoff (2004) and Coates (2004). METHOD .(7) By now, qualitative research has become an acceptable, if not mainstream, form of research in many different academic and professional fields. As a result, the large number of students and scholars who conduct qualitative studies may be part of different social science disciplines (e.g., sociology, anthropology, political science, or psychology) or different professions (e.g., education, management, nursing, urban planning, and program evaluation). In any of these fields, qualitative research represents an attractive and fruitful way of doing research. R.K.Yin(2010). The writter chosed 2 movies there are The Gentlemen and Charlie Angels, The writer was collectend the data from The Gentlemen and Charlie Angels Movies with listing the data according to men’s and women’s language features that appear in the Movies.. The data were listed in into women’s and men’s language features. Table 1 . The appearance of men’s language features in The Gentlemen movie no Men langauge features Number of appearence 1 Minimal Response 5 2 Command and Directives 11 3 Swearing and Taboo 82 4 Compliments 8 5 Theme 3 6 question 15 total 124 The Table above showed that men’s language features Minutes : 00:41:39 Coach : yeah? by using this minimal response Coach draw an image that he was shocked by saying word ”yeah?” he implicate that his do not want to be argued and it shows his dominance by Mal. Table 2 : The appearance of women’s language features in Charlie Angels movie no Women language features Number of data 1 Lexical hedges or filler 10 2 Rising intonation on declaratives 14 3 Color terms 0 4 intensifiers 11 5 Empty adjectives 1 6 Hyper correct grammar 7 7 Tag question 0 8 Super polite 1 9 Avoidance of strong swear word 10 10 Emphatic stress 1 Total 56 Above the list of the appearance of women language features Empty Adjectives Minute : 00:38:20 Jane : you’re adorable Jane using empty adjective to reveal her emotional reaction, and she express her emotional feeling to Langston ended by flirting him. The result of the research find that men’s and women’s language features have the different between the word they used and the ways they pronounce the word, but it is not possible when women’s language features are applied by men in their conversation, In conclussion, both of the langauge features are possibly used by the opposite gender that having specific circumstances. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION From The Gentlemen movie the writer already found all six feautures that used by character in the movie, but there is also posibility to earn women’ langauge features in this movie because the writer did not analize women’s language features in this movie. At the Charlie Angels movie the features that the writer found are eight of ten, two of the features are not available in this movie there are color terms and tag question, it is better if next researcher planning to find these features that the writer can not found using current theory


(1) Holmes, J. (2013). An introduction to sociolinguistics. Routledge.London & New York

(2) Coates, J. (2004). Women, Men, and Language: A Sociolinguistic Account of Gender Differences in Language. Retrieved from

(3) Retiningrum,.C. D. (2018) Women’s Lanugae Features Used By Lara Jean In The Movie To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before.

(4) Anggara. B, & Prayudha (n.d) The Analysis of Women and Men Language Features on America’s Got Talent.

(5) Bi, Q. (2010) Characteristics of the Language of Women in English. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 1, 219-221. Doi:10.4304/jltr.1.3.219-221


