
  • Geni Juwinda Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Diana Chitra Hasan Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Nova Rina Universitas Bung Hatta


INTRODUCTION Nowadays, one way to understand content expressed in other languages, people used translation. Translation is a process of changing and transforming the source language to the target language (Catford, 1965) [1]. In other words, it is the procedures of replacement of the source language to target language. The definition of translation is as rendering the meaning of text to another language in the way the author intended the text (Newmark 1988) [2]. Category shift include intra – system shifts, structure shifts, unit shifts and class shifts. In this research writer only focus on two types; Intra-system shift and structure. Dynamic equivalence means the closest – natural equivalent to the source language message (Nida and Taber 1982) [3] it means when people read the translation, they will not realized that the text is the translated one, and there is no missing message in the translation. Black Panther movie is about a Hero from Africa called Black Panther, T’Challa, the king of Wakanda. This movie was produced by one of the biggest movie studio in Hollywood, Marvel Studios. This research purposed to find and analyze the subtitles of Black Panther movie which has been translated to Indonesia, based on how the category shifts and the dynamic equivalence are explained by Catford and Nida in translating. There are numbers of research about translation. Some did an analysis about the category shifts in the English translation of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone movie subtitle into Indonesia. He used Catford theory also and found out all the types of category shifts used in the movie subtitle that has been translated into Indonesia. METHODS In this research, writer use qualitative method. The source data in this analysis is from the subtitles of Black Panther movie. The data are collected by watching the movie for several times, took screenshots of the data from the movie, and list all the data and then analyzed the data based on how the expert explained about the Intra-system shift and Structure shift of Category shifts in translation. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION This research found 59 data of the Intra-system Shifts and Structure shifts applied in the subtitle of the Black Panther movie. The structure shift becomes the most used type of category shifts in this movie translation, rather than the intra-system shifts. Here are some of the data writer found about the intra-system shifts and structure shifts in the Black Panther movie Source Language Source Language Category Shift Meaning equivalent No claws Tanpa cakar Intra-system Decreased- equivalent The data of Intra-system in the SL “no claws” translated to the TL “Tanpa cakar”. The word claws is in plural in English (SL) but it is translated into the target language Indonesian as cakar in singular form. If the translator translated the expression by using the same concept as the source language, it will be translated as tanpa cakar-cakar and it sounds odd unacceptable in Bahasa Indonesian. The translator doing the decreased meaning by omittings the repetition of cakar in the TL so he can reach the degrees of equivalent meaning. Source Language Target Language Category Shift Meaning equivalent And the first Black Panther Dan jadi Black Panther pertama Structure shift Complete-equivalent The data from the Structure shift is, in the SL “and the first Black Panther translated to Indonesia as“…dan jadi Black Panther pertama”. First as the modifier in SL, and Black Panther as the head (M+H). Transform into (H+Q) in the TL, Black panther as the head and pertama as the qualifier. The translator reached the degrees of equivalent by using the complete type, he did not add or omits the real information from the SL. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS The conclusion from this analysis is in translation is not simple, process A translator needs to understand target and source language, so the audiences in the TL can get the same message and information just like in the SL it involves many steps in translate one language to another language. For the future researchers can analyze about translation, especially about the category shifts. In addition it can help researchers understand more and also research in the field becomes diverse and adds to the readers insight to understand translation. Based on this study, the writer hope this research can be useful and increase the interest of researcher to learn more about translation. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Firstly, I will thanks and say my gratitude to Allah SWT. For his blessing and giving me strength, patience in make it all happens. I would like to express my sincerely gratitude to my thesis supervisors Diana Chitra Hasan, M.Hum, M.Ed., Ph.D., Dra. Nova Rina, M.Hum., and examiners, Temmy Thamrin M.Hum., Ph.D and Dr. Yursrita Yanti, M.Hum. I am thankful for everything that they had been given to me. Especially all of my lecturers, who have taught, inspired and always motivated me to be a better person than who I was. All of the knowledge they transferred hopefully could be useful for me and for people around me. Especially for my parents that always supports me and the reason for me to keep fighting. I’m beyond thankful for everything.


Catford, J.C. (1965). A Linguistic Theory of Translation. London: Oxford University Press.

Newmark, P. (1988). A textbook of Translation. New York: Prentic Hall.

Nida, E. A. (1982). The Theory and Practice of Translation. Leiden: E.J. Brill.

Herman. (2014). Category Shift In the English Translation of Harry Potter Philosopher’s Stone Movie Subtitle into Indonesia (An Applied Lingistics Study). IOSR Journal of Humanitie and Social Science


