
  • Yuditia Yuma Yulian Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Temmy Thamrin Universitas Bung Hatta


Cooperative principles, Grice’s maxim, Fight Club (1999), flouting of maxims.


This thesis focuses on flouting maxim and its conversational implicature. Grice formulated four maxims in the cooperative principles as a conversation rule. This thesis studies the flouting of maxim in Fight Club in the form the utterances of movie’s characters. To achieve the objective, the researcher applies theory of Grice. The method that used in this research is Grice’s cooperative principles along with descriptive qualitative analysis. Subsequently, four types of flouting on maxims are comitted by the characters in the movie. Maxim of quantity flouted by giving wrong amount of information which is not required. Maxim of quality flouted by providing false information. Maxim of relation flouted by being irrelevant. Maxim of manner flouted by being obscure. The flouting on four types of maxim are carried with conversational implicature since flouting is the only type of violation that give arise to conversational implicature. The flouting on four types of maxim and along with the converational implicature are determined based on the context which according to the conversation. As the result of the research, the maxims of quantity becomes the type of maxims with the most floutings with 25 floutings. The floutings of maxims of quantity followed by the floutings of maxims of relation with 21 floutings. In the other hand, the floutings of maxims of relation followed by the floutings of maxims of manner with 7 floutings. While the maxims of quality is the type of maxims with the least floutings with 3 floutings. All of the utterances that flout all type of maxims generate conversational implicatures behind them. The fulfilling on four types of maxim are important to make a cooperative and effective conversation. Moreover, flouting maxim does not mean the conversation ends as long as the addressee notices the conversational implicature behind the utterance.


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Grice, H. P. (1975). Logic and Conversation. In P. Cole, & J. L. Morgan. (Eds.), Syntax and Semantics. New York: Academic Press.


