
  • Fitri Syinthia Sari Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Temmy Thamrin Universitas Bung Hatta


language style, Hansel&Gretel, Sociolinguistics


This research analyzes the language style that appears in Hansel and Gretel : The Witch Hunter movie that is used by the characters in the movie using Martin Joos theory. This research aimed to analyze the language styles that had explained by Martin Joos about five language styles and the most used language style in the movie. The data were analyzed using a descriptive qualitative method to achieve solid data the research was focused to find the five styles that appeared in the movie. There can be found 51 data in total from all of the styles as follows, frozen style, formal style, consultative style, casual style, and intimate style. The most used style was the casual style for 18 utterances, followed by the consultative way for 12 utterances, intimate style for 8 utterances, formal style for 6 utterances and the last was frozen style which only 2 utterances. The findings of the data lead to the conclusion a language style is a form of language used depending on the situation and also depending on whom the user speaks all of these five styles shows that how the emotion, shows the situation that happened, and show the relationship between the users.


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