At this research, author analize ask speak act strategy committed by yakuza from
Japanese televition drama “My Boss My Hero” as data source. The methods used in this
research is descriptive methods and theories that authors use to analyze is a theory in direct
and undirect speak by Wijana and also connect dependencies with theory of the relationship
between speaker an opponents spelled out Roger Brown an Albert Gilman also Scollon and
Scollon. Base on analysis results, author classify the yakuza’s ask speak act into two
categories from yakuza to yakuza and yakuza to citizent in power and solidarity. From the
results of research that the author discover of the Japanese drama “My Boss My Hero”, the
speak act strategy said the most widely used yakuza to fellow yakuza is a direct literal speech
act strategy said the speech is a literal verbalized said the ruling was taken with the intention
of speech and the same meaning for the purpose of . This strategy is usually used by yakuza to
fellow yakuza who has a higher power level to a lower authority has also close ties between
speakers with hearer when performing a command. Furthermore, on a speak act ruling from
yakuza said to the people in this drama, yakuza more appropriate uses speak act rules strategy
in direct literal speech act strategy. The reigning phrase spoken courteously and use the
phrase commonly used Japanese people in General. Yakuza is keeping the way he speak
words despite fellow yakuza. The level of their career can be known at the time of speech is
the rule speech commanding.
Key words: pragmatic, directive, power and solidarity.