In this study the author analyzes the speech act strategy said apologized in the Film
Marumo No Okite as a source of research data. The methods used in this research is
descriptive methods and theories that authors use to analyze data in this research is the
theory of Miles and Huberman also connects the dependencies with the theory of Goger
Brown and Gilman and Albert Solllon. Based on the results of the study, the authors
classify speech act apology into four situations. First, the situation of power (-P) and
solidarity (+ S), second situations of power (-P) and solidarity (-S), the third power (+ P)
and solidarity (+ S) and fourth situations of power (+ P) and solidarity (-S). Strategies
that often appear on the situation (P-) and (+ S) is a speech act strategy said the apology
with an expression or expression of apology, the situation (P) and (-S) is a speech act
Strategy said the apology with an expression or expression of apology, and the speech
act strategy said the apology with acknowledgement of responsibility, on the situation (+
P) and (+ S) speech act strategy said the apology with an expression or expression of
apology, and on the situation (P +) and (-S) is a speech act strategy said the apology with
an expression or expression of apology. From a variety of situations and strategies can
be inferred that the Japan Society were more likely to express sorry with a strategy of
expression or expressions of apology. Expression of sorry are gomen, gomennasai,
moushiwake gozaimasen, moushiwake arimasen suman and warui. The expression used
to apologize based on power and solidarity. The nearby someone in apology, the distance
lower distance between the power (P) and solidarity (S).
Keywords: Pragmatics, speech act, strategies, apology.