The writing of the thesis was carried out to describe the speech acts of both
Compliments and strategies respond to Compliments in Dramas Umareru. In
this study the author uses a non participant observation methods with a
pragmatic approach. The study of Theory used in this study speech acts said
using the theory of J.L. Austin, The type of speech acts said using the theory of
Austin and Searle, Follow said compliment and strategies respond to compliment
using the opinion of Carla, Direct, not direct, literal, nonliteral theory is the
theory of Wijana, The concept of relationship speakers and hearer by using
theory of Brown and Gilman. Events using the theory of Hymes. Based on the
results of the research, the topic of compliments and compliment responding
strategies that often arise in situations (+ P) and (-S) is a speech act compliments
the ability/performance and strategy received compliments by thanking directly
literal, situation (-P) and the (+ S) is a speech act compliments the appearance of
directly literal and strategies received acclaim by agreeing to direct literal, In
situation (+ P) and (S) the speech act compliments on the success directly Literal
and refused to compliments approve no direct literal, and the situation (-P) and
(-S) is a speech act compliments directly literal and strategies respond to
compliments the question to deflect directly literally.
Key Words: Speech Acts, Compliments, Respond to Compliments.