
  • Herliani Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Femmy Dahlan Universitas Bung Hatta


Ian, Onward, Anxiety, and Defense Mechanism


This is an analysis of a movie titled Onward. Ian is the main character who experiences psychological problems while on his adventure to find a phoenix gem. This analysis aimed to describe Ian’s anxiety and defense mechanism. In this analysis, the researcher used a theory by Sigmund Freud, anxiety and defense mechanism. The data were analyzed using a qualitative method. The researcher found 14 data on anxiety and 8 data on defense mechanism. The researcher found 6 data on realistic anxiety, 4 data on neurotic anxiety, and 4 data on moral anxiety. For Ian’s defense mechanism, the data found are; 3 data on denial, 2 data on displacement, 1 data on regression, and 2 data on fantasy. In conclusion, Ian’s realistic anxiety is the most dominant of the other two types of anxiety. This happened because, on his adventure, he dealt with events such as fire, whirlwind, flood, and animals. On the contrary, the result of his defense mechanism shows no significant difference.


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