
  • Nur Laila Syakbaniyah
  • Tienn Immerry
  • Aimfrina .


This thesis analyse imagery of six song lyrics by Gotoo Masafumi in Sorufa album. The song lyrics are Shindookaku, Kimi no Machi made, My World, Last Scene, Siren, and 24Ji. Six song lyrics has imagery and sound sources. The sound sources within each song lyrics dealing with the tone. The tone associated with the album title Sorufa (Solfa), a level in the tone of musical note. Six sound sources effect to the meaning of song lyrics.
To understand imagery, the writer use Waluyo’s theory. Imagery is the part of physical structure of the poem. Imagery consists of auditory imagery, visual imagery, and tactile imagery. The method used is descriptive method.
This thesis showed that the meaning of song lyrics resulted by imagery. Meaning of six song lyrics are connected, tells about relationship of a pair of lover that in their relationship there are up and down condition. Go up when there is a happiness, and down when feeling down or be parted and can go up again when the meeting is back and continuing a better relationship. Shindookaku tells about a will to make someone happy; Kimi no Machi made tells about the struggle to reach a dream; My World tells about happiness; Last Scene tells about farewell; Siren tells about a search to someone; and 24Ji tells about a vow to always together. As in the tone that up and down, the song lyrics represent up and down condition in a relationship.
Keywords: lyric, imagery, sound source, meaning

Author Biography

Nur Laila Syakbaniyah

Jurusan Sastra Asia Timur


