Analisis Penerjemahan Kalimat Hojodōshi _Te Aru dan _Te Iru Bahasa Jepang pada Novel Uesugi Kenshin Karya Eiji Yoshikawa ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia


  • Sari Padilah
  • Diana Kartika
  • Syahrial .


In this research the writer discuss about the analysis of the translation of the sentence hojodōshi _te aru and _te iru novel Uesugi Kenshin the work of Eiji Yoshikawa. Newmark (1981: 7) into Roesli (2011: 11) to explain the "translation is an attempt at redirecting a message written in the source language into the target of language with the emphasis on a match of meaning". In order that translation to achieve results and arranged on a regular basis, it is necessary for the researcher to know the translation strategy.This researcher is to describe the matching and strategy of translation hojodōshi _ te aru and _ te iru novel Uesugi Kenshin the work of Eiji Yoshikawa.
This research is descriptive method. The data source of the novel Uesugi Kenshin and the translation in the Indonesian language of Eiji Yoshikawa and methods of data collection using the technique of Library Research (Engineering Library). The theory that I use to analyze the data in this study is the theory of Newmark that has been refurbished by Zunchiridin and Sugeng. Based on the analysis, the writer found four translation strategies.
The results of this research indicate that there are some auxiliary verbs translation strategy _ te aru and _te iru based on verb who followed him, that is the strategy the addition strategies, subtraction, transposition and modulation. The author concludes there is a combination of a translation strategy additional + transposition, subtraction strategies + transposition .
Keywords: Translation, Translation Strategies, Japan Verbs, Tadōshi and Jidōshi, Te Aru Verbs and Te Iru

Author Biography

Sari Padilah

Jurusan Sastra Asia Timur


