The purpose of this research to analyze the type and function of repetition on Ayumi
Hamasaki song through generic structure. The methode of this research was desccriptive in
nature, which the research was taken based on fact or phenomen on that was using by the
speaker emprically, with the result could be presented as it was. (Sedaryanto, 1992:62). The
instrument used to collect data in this research was listening methode that followed by note
technic. In analyzing of the data, the write used agih methode with the basic teching, it was
BUL teching. In analyzeng the type and function of repetation on Ayumi Hamasaki song, the
writer used (Surmarlam dkk 2003) theory.
The type of tautotes repetation could be noun, question words, interjection and adverb
of time, they were functionated to emphasize the word, in the direct sentence. Furthermore,
the type of anafora repetation/ it could be noun and functional question word, to explain the
purpose and goal that repeated at the first sentence contiually. After words, the type of
epistropa repetation, it could be noun, abstract, and adjective to emphasize and explain the
meaning that repeated on tinually at the last sentence.