Cohesion represent solid and perfection between element which is one with other element
in a discourse. Among others is cohesion of leksikal. This research aim to for mendeskripsikan
form cohesion of leksikal in song lyric of Iwan Fals.
This Research use theory of Sumarlam to analyse cohesion form of leksikal which there
are in song lyric of Iwan Fals. Method the used is descriptive method. Method data collecting the
used is method correct reading and use technique note. Hereinafter, to analyse data used by
method distribute and technique read markah.
From result of analysis found by cohesion forms of leksikal among others, that is 1)
repeatation form which is found in song lyric of Iwan Fals is repeatation of epizeuksis categorize
nomina. Repeatation of Tautotes divided of repeatation of tautotes in form of repeatation and
word of tautotes in form of phrase. Repeatation of Anafora divided in two form, that is a)
repeatation of anafora categorize nomina, repeatation of anafora categorize pronominal, and c)
repeatation of anafora categorize adverbia. Repeatation of Epistrofa divided of repeatation of
epistofa word beebentuk and repeatation of epistrofa in form of phrase. Besides, also found by
repeatation of simploke. Hereinafter, repeatation of mesodiplosis divided in two form, that is a)
mesodiplosis repetoso categorize nomina and b) repeatation of mesodiplosis categorize ajektiva
2) form sinonimi which is found in song lyric of Iwan Fals is a) word synonym with word
categorize ajektiva, b) word synonym with phrase or on the contrary, and c) synonym phrase
with phrase divided in two category, that is sinonimi phrase with phrase categorize verbal frase
and of sinonimi phrase with phrase categorize adverbial frase 3) form antonimi ( antonym) which
is found in song lyric of Iwan Fals is a) absolute opposition which divided in two category, that
is absolute opposition categorize absolute opposition and nomina categorize ajektiva. b) polar
opposition categorize verba. c) relation opposition 4) form kolokasi ( sit side by side word 5)
form hiponimi (relation of atas-bawah) 6) ekuivalensi ( correspondence).