
  • Shinta Mahaputri
  • Dewi Kania Izmayanti
  • Oslan Amril


In this paper the author examines the phenomenon of baby dumping in Japan in the 1970s.
The reason is because the author took the title of the authors want to know how the lives of
the people of Japan in the 1970s, how the baby dumping phenomenon in Japan in the 1970s.
This study aims to describe how the lives of the people of Japan in the 1970s,method I use is
descriptive method. To analyze the data the author uses the theory of social change and
cultural theory.
From the research that the authors found was the life of the Japanese community in the
1970s, including a prosperous society in the world. Economic and industrial development that
occurred in Japan in the 1970s resulted in a lot of job opportunities. It is a lot of housewives
to work. With so many working mothers result in less attention to children.So many young
people who seek out attention. They are closer to friends or girlfriend of the parent. This
resulted in a lot of teenagers are involved with promiscuity, partying, drinking and gaming
online. Occurrence Occurrence promiscuity can lead to a lot of teen pregnant outside of
marriage. So that the actions taken to cover the fear and and do not believe him in the care of
children who are still in school status, so that the teens decided to make a baby Dumping.
Babydumping not only action done by teens, but there is also a housewife, because he was
unabel to meet the economic needs of the household.
Adolescence is a time of very vulnerable, at the time teens have a curiosity to try new things.
The role of the family is very important for children not to be involved in promiscuity.
Keywords: Economy, women and Baby Dumping.

Author Biography

Shinta Mahaputri

Jurusan Sastra Asia Timur


