Analisis Makna Fukugoudoushi ~Dasu, ~Hajimeru dan ~Kakeru dalam Novel Taira No Masakado Karangan Eiji Yoshikawa


  • Najmi Aulia Rahmi
  • Syahrial .
  • Anwar Nasihin


In this research the author analyzed the meanings of fukugoudoushi ~dasu, ~hajimeru and ~kakeru in Taira No Masakado novel‟s by Eiji Yoshikawa. In this novel there were some meanings rised of that three compound verbs. The purpose of this research were to describe the meanings of fukugoudoushi ~dasu, ~hajimeru, ~kakeru and the differences of those three and could replace each other or no even though had same meaning that the beginning of activities. The method in this research was descriptive method. The theories in this research were fukugoudoushi‟s meanings by Norimoto and Masako Himeno, and the theory of meanings by Dedi Sutedi. In data analyzed, the author used agih method with basic technique and techniques for direct element (BUL) and method substitute raised by Sudaryanto. Data collected by the technique noted. The results of this research found that the meanings and the differences between three of compound verbs. The meanings of fukugoudoushi ~dasu, that the beginning of activities, the removal something from place of origin to outside, the appearance something unreal (unseen) and discovery. Fukugoudoushi ~hajimeru had meanings ; the beginning of activities. Fukugoudoushi ~kakeru had meanings ; the activity in the direction to object, aspect the beginning of activities divided two, the one was shidoutai and the other was shougentai. The three of fukukoudoushi couldn‟t replace each other because they gave different context sentences, so that the meanings also different compared with the situations.
Keywords : meaning, fukugoudoushi, dasu, hajimeru, kakeru.

Author Biography

Najmi Aulia Rahmi

Jurusan Sastra Asia Timur


