Makna Verba Suru dan Yaru dalamKomik Bleach Karya Tite Kubo


  • Yeni Rizal
  • Syahrial .
  • Anwar Nasihin


In this research, the writer discusses about the meaning of verbs Suru and Yaru in comic
Bleach works Tite Kubo. Chaer (2009:33) says that the meaning is an element of a word or
more precisely as deep symptoms speech (utterance – internal – phenomenon). So, the
meaning of verb Suru and Yaru achieve the results and arranged on a regular basis, the
researcher must know about the meaning. The purpose of the research is to describe the
meaning verb Suru and Yaru in comic Bleach works Tite Kubo.This research uses descriptive
method. The data sources of comicBleach and its translation into Indonesian language work
Tite Kubo and method of data collection by using simak method. The theory that the author
uses to analyze data in this research is Sunagawa theory. Based on the result of analyze, the
writer found there are six of meaning. Based on the result of this research shows there are
some meaning of verb Suruand Yaru that has meaningful change, meaningful activity,
meaningful use, meaningful give, meaningful do, and meaningful give action. The writer
concludes that the meaning of verb Suru and Yaru experienced grammatical process on its use
in a sentence.
Key word: meaning, verb suru, yaru.

Author Biography

Yeni Rizal

Jurusan Sastra Asia Timur


