Nilai Tanggung Jawab Masakado dalam Novel Taira no Masakado Karya Yoshikawa Eiji: Tinjauan Sosiologi Sastra
Researcher is analyzing responsibility values of Masakado in Yoshikawa Eiji novelTaira no Masakado which are value of self-responsibility, family and society responsibility.
Researcher is using literature-sociologic review based on Ia Watt that is literature as a
reflection of society and social-function. Method that is used in this research is descriptive
method. To analyze responsibility values of Masakado, researcher presenting people who give
an influence for Masakado to be responsible, which are society of central and local authorities.
The influence gives Masakado value of self responsibility that encourages him to develop his
personality. Value of family responsibility is useful for his family and relatives. Also, value of
society responsibility is useful for prosperity and safety of his surrounding society.
Keywords : novel, history, values of responsibility