
  • Silvia Rosa
  • Iman Laili
  • Elvina A Saibi


This research discusses the local wisdom in traditional wedding procession in Nagari Pauh Kambar of Nan Sabaris District. the study focus on that used local knowledge are Sibarani theory and the theory that used in assessing the customary marriage procession is Mutia theory and Sjarifoedin Tj. A. The method used in data collection is a method of participatory observation. The writer used technique of note taking and recording technique. The method used in analyzing the data is triangulation method. The values of local wisdom contained in procession before marriage is 1) procession maresek contains the value of well-being, ie the value of safety. 2) The procession bakampuang-kampuangan contain values of peace, which is the value of social solidarity and harmony. 3) The procession maanta kampia contains the value of peace, the value of harmony and social solidarity. 4) The marriage procession manjapuik marapulai contain values of peace, which is the value of politeness. 5) contains manikah procession welfare values, a value decency and safety. The values contained in the procession after marriage are 1) procession mamaga alek contains the value of well-being, ie the value of safety. 2) The procession baralek contain values of peace, which is the value of social solidarity. 3) The procession manjapuik marapulai contain values of peace, which is the value of politeness. 4) The procession manjalang contains the value of peace, the value of harmony. 5) The procession baretong contains the value of peace, the value of harmony. 6) The procession manjalang duo contains the value of peace, harmony and politeness value. Procession 7) procession mandoa contain values of peace, which is the value of gratitude. Keywords: Local Wisdom, marriage procession, Nagari Pauh Kambar

Author Biography

Silvia Rosa

Jurusan Sastra Asia Timur


