Fungsi kata bantu “Ka”dalam komik Death Note karya Tsugumi Ooba dan Takeshi Obata


  • Ade Eka Surya
  • Anwar Nasihin
  • Syahrial .


In this research the writer discuss about function and used kind of particels “ka” in Death Note comic by Takeshi Obata Tsugumi Ooba. The research has purpose to describe what kind of the it function and how to use it in the sentence on comic Death Note comic by Takeshi Obata Tsugumi Ooba. The writer use description method on this research.
To analyze the hind of particels “ka” in Japanesse language , the writer use Timoty Chandra method which say particel “ka” , in general meaning, used to describe opposite things between front part of sentence and back part of sentence. To clarified the function, the writer also uses Timoty Chandra theory. From the result of the research found that function of particels “ka” is not only used at the end of a sentence , but also can be placed in the middle of a sentence , combined with a question word or gimonshi in Japanese as nani , dare, itsu and so on. Auxiliary word "ka " can also express questions spoken in yourself and also can express a feeling understood , felt satisfied and surprised the speaker time to say it.
The authors concluded that the function of particels "ka " in the comic Death Note as follows : can be used to ask, can be used behind the question word to indicate something is unclear or uncertain , it can be used in two or more things to show one thereof , may be placed at the center line to show the contents of a question that has not been known, used in the form of " ..ka dou ka .. " to indicate so or not , it can be used behind word asked to show some objects, used to show astonishment , surprise, there is no possibility will like it , used to denounce interlocutors with the word " ..ja nai ka .. " , can be used to indicate a sense of satisfaction and understand , used to invite or ask others to do something.
Kata kunci : kata bantu “ka” , fungsi

Author Biography

Ade Eka Surya

Jurusan Sastra Asia Timur


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