In this research, the writer wanted to analize the form and the function of KEISHIKI MEISHI
UCHI. The purpose of this research was to describe the form and the function of KEISHIKI
MEISHI UCHI in the sentence that was in the novel of Hidamari No Kanojo by Koshigaa
Osamu through structure explanation. The writer used descriptive method in this research.
Descriptive method was the research that was done based on the fact or phenomenon with
empirical which was still used by the narrator, so it could explain the sequence that happened
in this time (Sudaryanto, 1992:62). The data was gathered with using observation method that
was continued with note technic. In the analysis of the data, the writer used agih method with
a basic technic, which it was direct element technic. To analize the form and the function of
KEISHIKI MEISHI UCHI in this research , the writer used Sunagawa Yuriko theory (1998).
From the result of this research, the writer wanted to know that form and the function of
KEISHIKI MEISHI UCHI divided for keishiki meishi that was began by nomina verb, that
was purposed to explain a area and the time.
Key words : Function, Form
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