
  • Rika Mulia
  • Syahrial .
  • Diana Kartika


In this research the writer analyze the shape and meaning of metaphor in the song popularized by Utada Hikaru. This research has purpose to describe what shape and meaning of the metaphor contained in the japanese song. In this research the writer uses descriptive method, this method is done by listening, record, analyze and transcribe. Furthermore classify shapes metaphor and analyzing the meaning of a metaphor. The data used is from the album songs are sung by Utada Hikaru. There are fourteen songs Utada Hikaru used in this research.
In analyzing data, writer uses Stephen Ulman theory to know the shape of metaphor. While to know the meaning of metaphor, writer uses J.D Parea and another theory to know the meaning of metaphor such as Keraf, Abdul Chaer and Tarigan. The writer analyze the shape of metaphor on Utada Hikaru songs is antropomorphic metaphor, animal metaphor, concrete to abstract metaphor and sineastetic metaphor.
From the result of the research found that in songs sung by Utada Hikaru much used antropomorphic metaphor. Due songwriter Utada Hikaru prefer compares human characteristic and human behavior to nature or other objects that are common. The writer result that songwriter would like to compare the human to nature and the songs.
Key words : Metaphor

Author Biography

Rika Mulia

Jurusan Sastra Asia Timur


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