
  • Lusi Novita Sari
  • Dewi Kania Izmayanti
  • Irma .


Japan is a developed country that has cultural diversity. Adopted cultural in a society is always growing and dynamically developing ever more open to adjustment with all the development taking place in various life. Along with advances in information media, information easily flow in and new things too quickly widespread in Japan. It‟s which makes the emergence of pop culture. Yoshio Sugimoto in his book a title an introduction to Japanese society, Japan popular culture can be divided into three categories. The first category is a mass culture. Example television, comic, Pachinko ( パ チ ン コ) and etc. the second category is folk culture. Example folk culture is tanabata festival. The third category is alternative culture. Example alternative culture is the emergence of various religious sects like the dress style gannguro (women who wear excessive makeup). In this study will be researched further is pachinko as mass culture to Japanese society. Mass culture is a culture that has expanded in response to increasing consumer demand and the development of mass communication produced on a large scale. Supported by the development of the mass media so that the culture that created this increasingly recognized and enjoyed by the public, not only certain circles. Pachinko is an activity that appeared in the contemporary period. At the initial appearance pachinko used as a game for children. Along with the development of technology and the mass media, pachinko a favored of the Japanese people. In this study the author will research about pachinko as the mass culture of Japanese society. Then came the question of how the history and development of the Japanese pachinko so why mass culture and popular Japanese public research methodology that will be used by the writer is descriptive.
Keywords : culture, mass culture, pachinko

Author Biography

Lusi Novita Sari

Jurusan Sastra Asia Timur


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