The author examines the life roujin Japan at this time. Authors interested in researching because of the impact of social changes greatly affect the lives of the people of Japan, especially in the life roujin. With the advance of industrialization in Japan, eating a lot of problems that arise precisely, Such as the declining number of births and increasing the number of roujin. Therefore, among the problems that arise writer interested in the life roujin. The problem that arises for roujin is, roujin now many are working with many unreasonable things like, because it is still needed from the company where he worked in the productive age, due to economic factors (to meet the daily needs), working out of loneliness, and in your spare time. With a variety of reasons, the writers put roujin Theory of social change that I use is according to Marks in Jhonson, and the theory of activity, especially for roujin by Havighurst et al. The results of this study the authors describe several case studies, for example roujin working as long as necessary, because for a living, loneliness, and in your spare time. From the data I get the number roujin most reasonable because for a living or because of economic factors. The high cost of living so that pensions are not sufficient roujin get their daily needs. Especially for roujin that only a few can save for retirement on a productive life.Kata kunci: perubahan sosial, roujin, dan dunia kerja.
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Sumber Online Lansia di Jepang
http//.www.detikcom id. /news/articles/2012-08-30/in-japan-retirees-go-on-working (tanggal 27 mei 2016)