
  • Eko Hermanto
  • Iman Laili
  • Elvina A Saibi


Traditionally reference means the relationship between words with objects. Reference studied is the
reference in the lyrics Sheila On 7, the song lyrics Sheila On 7 found reference marker with shape
of variation. In this research the writer discussed is a form of written discourse references in the
lyrics Sheila On 7. This study aimed to describe the form of reference. In this research the writer
used theory Lubis and Sumarlam to analyzed the form of written dicourse reference in the lyric. The
method used is descriptive method. To collection the data the writer used methods and techniques
refer to the note. To analyze the data used methods Shared with many techniques of reading.
References in the lyrics Sheila On 7 found is a reference persona, demonstrative reference and
comparative reference. Reference persona that is found in the lyrics Sheila On 7 in the form of (a) a
reference in the form of first person pronouns me, my, and our, (b) such references second person
pronoun you, -you, -You and you, and (c) third-person reference in the form of pronouns he, his and
theirs. In addition, the demonstrative references that found in the lyrics Sheila On 7 form (a)
reference demonstrative of the time such as pronouns demonstrative form of time now, that now,
demonstrative pronoun past, namely first, Demonstrative pronouns time to come, that later and
tomorrow, and a reference demonstrative form of demonstrative place close to the speaker, that is
here and this demonstrative reference point rather close to the speakers, namely thatt, reference
demonstrative far from the speaker, that is there, and references demonstrative explicitly designated
place. Meanwhile, comparative references found in the lyrics Sheila On 7 marked with like, decent,
and worthy
Keywords: Reference, song lyrics Sheila On 7, Wacana

Author Biography

Eko Hermanto

Jurusan Sastra Asia Timur


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