Subordinated clauses indicates hierarchical relationship, which combines two
clause or more by storey, The are main clause as subordinate clause. The problem here is
form of sentences of the novel Klausa bawahan pada Kalimat Majemuk dalam Novel Penari
Kampus Karya Nang Saymsuddin. This study aims to review the sentence describing how
forms describe hearts the compound sentences subordinated in the novel Penari Kampus. The
theory is a theory by Khairah And Ridwan. Methods used in this research is descriptive
method. To review the data collection methods used simak and noted techniques. The method
used to analyze data review Was Shared with engineering methods and techniques vanished
behind. Based of the conclutions of this research, founded (1) nominal clauses, which
marked with conjunctions that, question words what, how, (2) adverbial clauses , which
marked with conjunctions time, namely, the taxable income, then, before, after, when, during
and until, the terms conjunctions namely if, purpose conjucntion namely in order to, and in
addition, konsesif conjunctions that despite and although, conjunctions comparative or
similarity conjunctions, as, such, reasonable conjunctions namely because, the result
conjunctions namely thus, to the extent, and conjunctions of way namely without, (3) Relative
clauses that marked with conjunction wich.
Keywords: Compound Sentences Subordinated, Penari Kampus, subordinated clauses.
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