
  • Sri Wahyuningsih
  • irma '
  • Dewi Kania Izmayanti


Kominkan is a Community Cultural Activity Center and a good place to develop culture and insight, mature thinking that provides services for life.communicant established goals is tofacilitating community activities in improving the knowledge, skills, and insights.facilitating community activities in order to improve the quality of life is good.provides a variety of resources related to the development of science and technology needed by society.facilitating community activities in order to develop the traditional culture of the Japanese people and the development of modern culture.
Some of the functions that can be explained on the Kominkan to the conditions of which are: As a public education, As a development of social activities, As the place and the center of art and cultural development.
There are main types of programs developed Kominkan today: Community-based activities (community-based activities), Activity abilities and skills of youth, women and children, Kominkan offer subjects to meet the interests and improve the ability of the community, especially the youth, women, and children of local communities.
Theory that I use is the theory of education, alternative education and social education. while the method in use is descriptive and grouping data.
Kominkan a Community Cultural Activity Center is a good place to develop culture and insight, mature thinking that provides services for life. Kominkan education for women is very useful, because in addition to a place to socialize, they are also taught various skills of hands that are very beneficial for them.
Keywords: Kominkan, Social Education, Women Education

Author Biography

Sri Wahyuningsih

Jurusan Sastra Asia Timur


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