“Development of Scientific-Based Social Studies Learning Modules for Class IV Elementary School Students


  • FITRA YENI Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Pebriyenni Universitas Bung Hatta
  • M. Tamrin Universitas Bung Hatta


DEVELOPMENT OF SYNTHIFIC BASED IPS LEARNING MODULE FOR CLASS IV PRIVATE SCHOOL Fitra Yeni11, Pebriyenni2, M. Tamrin3, Primary School Teacher Education Study Program Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Bung Hatta University e-mail: yeyen01011gmail.com Abstrak IPS is one of the compulsory subjects in elementary school. Social studies education also looks good for achieving national educational goals. According to Susanto (2013: 143) "Social studies education is a field of study that studies humans in all aspects of life and their interactions in society. There are already teaching materials used in the form of teacher books, student books, and textbooks as learning resources or teaching materials. This type of research is development research. The research and development model used is the 4-D model, namely define, design, develop, and define. In this study, it only reached the develop stage due to limited time and ability. The research instrument included a validation sheet and a practicality questionnaire. The social studies learning module is validated by .v3 lecturers and tested on 1 teacher and 15 students. The results showed that the development of social studies learning module theme 4 "Various jobs" sub theme 1 "Types of work" with the scientific approach for grade IV SD students met the valid criteria with an average percentage of validity 91, 55%. The module that has been developed is declared practical with an average percentage of 95.58% practicality by educators and very practical with an average percentage of 90.24% by students.. Keywords: Module Development, Social Studies, Scientific



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