"The Relationship Between Learning Habits and Learning Outcomes Of Ips Class IV Students at 18 LubukAlung


  • AYU DHEA FARAHRIFA Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Yulfia Nora Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Ira Jusar Universitas Bung Hatta


Executive SummaryFarahrifa, AyuDhea. 2020. "The Relationship Between Learning Habits and Learning Outcomes Of Ips Class IV Students at 18 LubukAlung Elementary School Padang Pariaman”Thesis for Elementary School Teacher Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Bung Hatta University.Supervisor:1. Yulfia Nora, S.Pd.,M.Pd.2. Ira RahmayuniJusar, M.Pd.This research is motivated by the problems found during observation, the social studies learning habits of fourth grade students are not good, such as lazy reading books and taking notes, students do not focus on paying attention to the teacherwhenstudyinginclassanddonotdoassignmentswell,studentsdonothave a schedule. sure learning to study at home, and students do not understand good study habits to achieve high or good learning outcomes. Based on this, the researcher conducted development research with the title "The Relationship of Learning Habits with Student Ips Learning Outcomes in Class IV SD Negeri 18 LubukAlung Padang Pariaman." Based on the problem formulation that has been described, the purpose of this study is to determine "the relationship betweenstudy habitsandsocialstudieslearningoutcomesofstudentsingradeIVSDNegeri18In this study, there is a framework of thinking, namely "if the student's learning habits are good, then the effect on the high or good student learning outcomes. Vice versa, if students' learning habits are low or not good, it will affect student learning outcomes that are low or not good too.This type of research is a quantitative descriptive study. According to Yusuf (2017: 62) "quantitative descriptive research is one that aims to describe systematically, factually, and accurately about the facts and characteristics ofLubukAlung Padang Pariaman". certain populations or describe phenomena in detail". The research instrument used a learning outcome test sheet and a questionnaire sheet.Based on the data from the t test results, it is obtained tcount = 0.860> t table = = 0.05 = 2.028094. The coefficient of determination is 0.020, which means that the contribution of learning habits to the learning outcomes of fourth grade students at SD Negeri 18 LubukAlung is 2.0%, while 80% is influenced by other factors such as student ability, environment, and motivation of parents and children's absorption.Keywords: Study habits, learningoutcomesThis research was conducted in August on 01 and this research was conducted by distributing questionnaires to students. The data obtained were processed using the statistical program SPSS for Windows, to find the distribution of the mean, median, mode, standard deviation, range, and minimum score for each variable in this study. Based on the results of the research, data on the Ips learning outcomes for grade IV students at SD Negeri 18 Lubuk Alung (Y) consisted of 38 students as respondents and were obtained from class teachers consisting of semester 2 grades in 2019/2020. The results of basic statistical calculations obtained the mean (average) 68.03; median (middle score) 68; mode (multiple scores) 60; standard deviation (standard deviation) 8,760; a minimum score of 50; a maximum score of 85, a variant of 76,729 and a total number of 2585.



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