"The Development Of Pop-Up Book Learning Media With A Scientific Approach To Class V Learning Of Ipa Theme 5 Subtema 1 In Sd Negri 16 Pagambiran Padang".


  • FAJRIHAN SANDRA Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Hendra Hidayat Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Siska Angreni Universitas Bung Hatta


Executive SummarySandra, Fajrihan. 2020. "The Development Of Pop-Up Book Learning Media With A Scientific Approach To Class V Learning Of Ipa Theme 5 Subtema 1 In Sd Negri 16 Pagambiran Padang". Thesis in Elementary School Teacher Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Bung Hatta University.Pembimbing:1. Dr.Hendra Hidayat, M.Pd2.Siska Angerni, S.Pd. M.PdIn learning activities, student interaction with teachers and learning resources occurs. Learning activities can be said to be successful if there is a change in student behavior. This change in behavior can occur if during learning students carry out activities in the form of physical, mental and emotional activities. One of the learning approaches that can support students in understanding learning is the existence of learning media that supports learning or material that the teacher wants to convey. At this time, it is very rare for teachers to make learning media, even though learning media is very useful during the learning process and students can understand the material more than not using learning media. For this reason, the author wants to create media that can increase student understanding in receiving learning and can also help teachers explain their learning. That way the writer wants to develop pop-up book instructional media which is expected to increase students' interest in receiving the learning given by the teacher. The display of pop-up book learning media is like a book, which when the page is opened the image inside will move. This encourages the author to conduct research on the Development of Pop-Up Book Media with the theme 5 Ecosystems, sub-theme 1 Ecosystem Components in Science subjects for Class V SDN 16 Pagambiran Padang.To fulfill the research objectives, this research was designed using the Research and Development (R&D) method. Sugiyono (2009) argues that "research and development methods are research methods used to produce certain products and test the effectiveness of these products". Learning media validation analysis techniques are carried out to see the data from the validation results of learning media that have been developed whether it is feasible to proceed to the next stage or not. The formula used for validation is Aiken with Aiken's V index. The type of data in this study is primary data. Primary data in question is data obtained directly from lecturers and teachers taken through a validatas testing questionnaire. The primary data, namely the validation score of the lecturer. In this study,the data collection technique used was a questionnaire (questionnaire). 5The learning media pop-up box in science learning theme 5 sub theme 1 class V SD that has been developed is declared valid with the average percentage of validity of the first validator 0.84, 0.83 second validator, and 0.76 third validator. Based on the table, it can be seen that the criteria obtained from the validation value given by expert lecturers are valid. When combined with the validation values given by the three expert lecturers, the average value is 0.81 with very valid criteria.From these data it can be concluded that the pop-up book learning media with a scientific approach to science learning theme 5 sub-theme 1 grade V at SD Negeri Pengambiran Padang has a high level of validity.Keywords: IPA learning media, pop-up book media, development research



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