
  • Diah Faujimi Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Khairul Harha Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Adzanil Prima Septy Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Adzanil Prima Septy Universitas Bung Hatta


INTRODUCTION The application of information technology to support the educational process has become a necessity for educational institutions in Indonesia. The utilization of information technology is needed to improve efficiency and productivity for education management. The global demand instructes that the realm of education to immediately follow the trend of digital development as a manifestation in improving the quality of education[1]. For college students, digital media should not only raise students’ motivation but also make them more active and creative to use technology in learning process so that they can compete in this era[2]. However there are many students that still have not perceived the usegae of digital media in teaching learning process as it is. Perception is a process that is preceded by sensing, which is a stimulus received by the individual through the receptor, namely the senses. perception is idea or acceptance from something[3]. Perception is a stimulus that is sensed by the individual, organized, and interpreted so that the individual realizes and understands what is sensed. The mood is also a factor that influences perception. Emotional state affects a person's behavior, this mood shows how a person feels at the time which can affect how a person receives, reacts, and remembers[4]. Based on the description above, the researcher is interested in conducting research entitled “An Analysis of Second Year Students’ Perception toward the Use of Digital Media in the English Classroom at English Department of Bung Hatta University. METHOD This research belongs to a descriptive research because it describes the current status the research subject [5]. The population of this research was the second year students of English Department academic 2020 at Bung Hatta University. The number of sample was 37 students taken by total sampling technique. The researcher used questionnaire as instrument, the researcher use construct validity and used alpha formula to know the reliability of questionnaire [6]. The data were collected by using google form. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION Based on the results of data analysis, it was found that the students had good perception of using digital media in English classroom, because students’ think digital media can build their creativity and make learning English more interested in English classroom. The finding is classified into five categories is shown in Table 4.1 classified into five categories is shown in Table 4.1 Table 4.1 Classification of Students Perceptions toward the Use of Digital Media No Classification Number of Students Percentage 1 Very Good 2 5% 2 Good 28 76% 3 Fair 7 19% 4 Poor 0 0% 5 Very Poor 0 0% Second, the researcher found that more than half students had very good perceptions (5%) by using audio media in classroom. 65% students had good perceptions by using audio media in classroom, and 30% students had fair perceptions toward the use audio media in English classroom. To make it clear the finding is presented in Table 4.2 Table 4.2 Classification of Students Perceptions toward the Use of Audio Media No Classification Number of Students Percentage 1 Very Good 2 5% 2 Good 24 65% 3 Fair 11 30% 4 Poor 0 0% 5 Very Poor 0 0% Third, the researcher found that 13% students had very good perceptions toward the use of audio media visual in English classroom, 70% students had good perception, 14% students had fair perceptions, and 3% students had poor perceptions toward the use audio media in English classroom. To make it clear the finding is presented in Table 4.3 Table 4.3 Classification of Students Perceptions toward the Use of Audio Visual Media No Classification Number of Students Percentage 1 Very Good 5 13% 2 Good 26 70% 3 Fair 5 14% 4 Poor 1 3% 5 Very Poor 0 0% CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION Students’ perception toward the use of digital media in English classroom at English Department of Bung Hatta University was good. It is indicated by the fact that 78.3% students had good perceptions. It is suggested to Lecturers that need to explore various many kinds of media and use them in teaching and learning process so that students will not bored when teaching and learning process. And the next researcher is expected to improve this study with better design and different objects to support the result found. The next researcher is also asked to conduct research by using questionnaires and interviews so that the data obtained is more valid. Keywords: Digital Media, Audio, Audio Visual, Perception THANK YOU NOTE A lot of people have provided motivation, advice, support and even remark that helped the researcher in writing this thesis. In this valuable chance, she would like to express her gratitude and appreciation to all of them. First, she presents her sincere appreciation to her advisors; Drs. Khairul Harha, MSc as the first advisor and Adzanil Prima Septy, Ph.D as the second advisor who have helped her patienly in completing this thesis by giving suggestions, guidances and corrections. The researcher also would like to express her gratitude and appreciation to Drs. Khairul Harha, MSc as the Dean and Dr. Syukma Netti, M.Si as Vice Dean of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of Bung Hatta University, to Dra Ernati, M.Pd as the Head of English Department, Lailatul Husna, S.Pd, M.Pd as secretary of English Department and also to all of lecturers who have taught and guided her during her study at this department. Then the researcher’s deepest appreciation goes to her beloved parents, Fauzan and Jumaili as well as her big family for their love and care which cannot be paid by any material in this world. And then, she says thanks to the best sisters, Indrima Faujimi, SE, Vinnia Faujimi, SE and my brother Muhammad Fajar Faujimi who have supported, encouraged, loved, prayed and given motivation to the researcher. Next, the researcher’s thankfulness also goes to her best friends Meldi Romadhani, Livia Amanda Putri, Wahyuni Lidya Putri, Sinta Muchlis, Atira Novriza Pratiwi who have supported and sent her prayer from a distance.


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