Development of Theme 6 Science Learning Module Based on 5E Learning Cycle for Class IV SDN 34 Air Pacah, Padang City


  • Suci Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Rona Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Angreni Universitas Bung Hatta

Kata Kunci:

Module Development, Project based Learning, Science


Natural science ( IPA ) is the study of events that occur in nature and their contents which include living and non-living things . As well as in acquiring , knowledge that has the values of the attitude of the scientists who based on the scientific . Through science subjects Natural in S ekolah D asar, students are expected to have knowledge and insight into the basic natural sciences . In order to achieve the goals of Natural Science, it must be supported by a conducive learning process because the learning developed by the teacher has a very large influence on learning success. In the learning process the teacher only uses student worksheets and student books as resources in delivering learning material . By because it's , required the development of a material resource in the form of modules pempelajaran that effective and innovative in order to improve the results of learning of students . To solve this problem, the researchers developed a 5E Learning Cycle based module for grade I V SDN 34 Air Pacah students . . Under the terms of these , the researcher doing research development with the title "P eng embangan Module Learning I PA Scene 6 my dream -Based Learning Cycle 5E for Students Grades IV ". Type of research is research development by using a model of the development of the 4-D is Define, Design, develop, and Disseminate. However, the stage of development in this study only up to the stage D evelop . The subjects of the trial for this learning module were the fourth grade students of SDN 34 Air Pacah on theme 6 " My ideals ", Subject 1 " Me and my goals " in learning 1 and learning 2, totaling 25 students . The data analysis technique used is the analysis of module validation results . The data obtained are directly from lecturers who are taken through a questionnaire testing the validity . The results of the study pointed k an average value of validity as a whole , namely 3 , 63 in the category of very valid. From the data it is concluded that the modules of learning -based Learning Cycle 5E is very valid to use in teaching science that can be in suggest as one of the ingredients of teaching in learning in class IV SD N State 34 Air Pacah and at school the other.


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