" Improved Mathematics Learning Outcomes for Class IV Students with the Numbered Heads Together Model in SD Negeri 05 Kelurahan Kampung Pondok Kota Pariaman "


  • SILFI MAILANI Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Susi Herawati Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Syafni Sari Universitas Bung Hatta


IMPROVED MATHEMATICS LEARNING OUTCOMES FOR CLASS IV STUDENTS WITH THE NUMBERED HEADS TOGETHER MODEL IN SD NEGERI 05 KELURAHAN KAMPUNG PONDOK KOTA PARIAMAN ABSTRACT This study aims to improve the learning outcomes of fourth grade students of SDN 05 Kampung Pondok on the subject of integers applying the Numbered Head Together learning model. This type of research is PTK with the research subjects of grade IV SDN 05 Kampung Pondok, totaling 23 students. This research took place in two cycles. The instruments used were the observation sheet, test questions and documentation. Data were analyzed descriptively qualitatively and quantitatively. The indicator of the success of this research is if at least 70% of students have reached the KKM, which is 60 and the class average score has increased in each cycle. This research was conducted by applying the Numbered Head Together learning model in integer learning. The learning process is carried out by applying the principles, framework, and principles of Numbered Head Together. The results showed an increase in learning outcomes in each cycle. In the implementation of cycle 1, the Numbered Head Together learning model began to be applied. Class average. However, learning in cycle I has not achieved success so it is necessary to carry out cycle II. In cycle II, the number of students who completed increased to 84.3% with an average class of 73, 30. The results obtained in cycle II had reached the criteria for success in this study, so this research was not continued to the next cycle. Keywords: Mathematics Learning Outcomes and Numbered Head Together


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