Development of a Social Studies Learning Module Based on a Contextual Tearcing and Learning Approach for Grade IV Students of SDN 19 Tanjung Durian, Bayang District, Kab. Pesisir Selatan


  • TRYMAL AKHWAN MULYA Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Muslim Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Wirnita Universitas Bung Hatta


A MODULE OF IPS LEARNING DEVELOPMENT BASED ON A CONTEXTUAL TEACHING AND LEARNING APPROACH FOR STUDENTS OF CLASS IV SDN 19 TANJUNG DURIAN KECAMATAN BAYANG DISTRICTS. SOUTH BEACH Trymal Akhwan Mulya1.Muslim tawakal 1.Wirnita Eska1 Primary School Teacher Education Study Program Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Bung Hatta University e-mail: ABSTRACT This study aims to produce a social science learning module based on the contextual teaching and learning approach in grade IV SD Negeri 19 Tanjung Durian that meets the valid criteria. This type of development research is a 4-D development model, namely: define, design, develop and disseminate. In this study, only up to the resistance to develop (development) due to time constraints. This research is only limited to validation due to limited conditions, this research was conducted in the odd semester of 2020/2021 with the material of Hindu and / or Buddhist and / or Islamic kingdoms. The research instruments included a validity sheet. In the validation process, the media was validated by 1 material expert , 1 design expert and 1 linguist. Based on the results of research on the development of a social studies learning module with a contextual teaching and learning approach, it was produced a valid module with an assessment percentage of 85.86%. So, it can be concluded that the Social Science learning module is valid as one of the learning modules in elementary schools. Keywords: Learning Media, Social Sciences, Contextual Teaching and Learning



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