
  • Hardianto Universitas Bung Hatta
  • joni Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Fitrina Harmaini Universitas Bung Hatta


INTRODUCTION Compound sentence is a kind of sentence available in English [1]. Many studies related to compound sentence have been conducted by several researchers [2]. They investigated compound sentence from several aspects. Here are several studies about ability in compound sentence; the first study was by a Sari, Syarif, and Amri (2018). They investigated the students’ ability in writing compound. Their finding was the students’ ability in writing compound sentences was moderate level. The second study was by a Fitri (2015). She investigated the students’ ability in writing affirmative compound sentences in simple present tense at SMA N 3 PARIAMAN. The finding was the students’ ability in writing affirmative compound sentences in simple present tense at SMA N 3 PARIAMAN was moderate level [3]. Based on interview that researcher did with several third year students of the English Department of Bung Hatta University, on February 11, 2020, the researcher found out that the students have studied about transition in writing subject, but they still have difficulties to put the transition words on sentences and punctuation in a sentence. This can be identified through writing practices. The students have difficulties to differentiate the transition to put in a sentence because they have trouble in understanding the kind and function of each transition. Also, the students are still confused of where to put correct punctuation in compound sentence using transition words. METHOD This research belongs to a descriptive research because it describes the current status of the research subject [4]. The population of this research is the third year students (academic year 2018) at English Department in Bung Hatta University that consisted of 26 students. The data were recorded in a writing test by Google form and they were analyzed by using the following steps: the researcher counted the average students’ score from both scorers, the researcher counted percentage of students, the researcher will classify the students’ score based on criteria of Bung Hatta University and the researcher counted the number of students who got very good, good, moderate and low. FINDING AND DISCUSSION Based on the result of the data analysis it can be concluded that in general, the third year students’ ability to write compound sentence using transition at the English Department of Bung Hatta University was very good. It was provided by the fact there were 17 students (65,3%) who had very good ability, there were 8 students (30,7%) who had good ability, there was 0 student (0%) who had moderate ability and there was 1 student (4%) who had low ability in writing compound sentence using transition. Table 1.The Third Year Students’ Ability in Writing Compound Sentence Using Addition Transition Ability of Students Number of Students Percentage (%) Very Good 20 76,8% Good 5 19,2% Moderate 0 0% Low 1 4% Total 26 100% Table 2.The Third Year Students’ Ability in Writing Compound Sentence Using Cause & Effect Transition Ability of Students Number of Students Percentage (%) Very Good 15 57,7% Good 6 23,0% Moderate 4 15,3% Low 1 4% Total 26 100% Table 3.The Third Year Students’ Ability in Writing Compound Sentence Using Contrast Transition Ability of Students Number of Students Percentage (%) Very Good 15 57,7% Good 6 23,0% Moderate 4 15,3% Low 1 4% Total 26 100% CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION Based on the result of the data analysis it can be concluded that in general, the third year students’ ability to write compound sentence using transition at the English Department of Bung Hatta University was very good. It was provided by the fact there were 17 students (65,3%) who had very good ability, there were 8 students (30,7%) who had good ability, there was 0 student (0%) who had moderate ability and there was 1 student (4%) who had low ability in writing compound sentence using transition.The researcher suggests to students that the students should more pay attention the use of mechanic in writing compound sentence using transition and then do more practice. THANK YOU NOTE There are a lot of people who have helped and given motivation, advice and support to the researcher in writing this thesis. Therefore, he would like to express her deepest gratitude and appreciation to advisors: Dr. Joni Alfino, M.Pd as the first advisor and FitrinaHarmaini, S.S, M.A as the second advisor who have helped him in writing this thesis by giving guidance, suggestions and correction patiently. He also thanks her beloved parents, Asli and Syafriani for their fully support, motivation, and prayer for her in writing this thesis, and my gratitude also goes to his beloved sister, JuwitaTanjungSari.The researcher presents his sincere appreciation to Drs. KhairulM.Sc as the Dean of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Dr. SyukmaNetti, M.Si as the Vice Dean, Dra. Ernati, M.Pd as the Head of English Department, LailatulHusna, S.Pd, M.Pd as the Secretary and all of lecturers who have taught and guided him during studying at English Department. The researcher is very grateful to have some close friends who always give support. The appreciation goes to WahyuSirwanDarman, OriArido, Dodi Al-Rizal and KisrahDidiAkmal for their help and support. His thankfulness also goes to all of classmates at English Department ’15 who cannot be mentioned one by one.


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