Development of a Science Learning Module Based on Course Review Horay on Animal Life Cycle Materials for Grade IV Students of 23 Ampalu Public Elementary Schools


  • Jeklin Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Enjoni Universitas Bung Hatta

Kata Kunci:

Development. Module, Course Review Horay


Science is a branch of knowledge that originates from natural phenomena. In the learning process at school, the teacher provides learning material using the question and answer lecture method during the learning process. The teacher in explaining the learning material still uses the available textbooks, where the number of textbooks is also incomplete. So that all students cannot get the textbook and cause less increase in understanding and student enthusiasm for learning science. The researcher conducted development research with the title "Development of Science Learning Module Based on Course Review Horay on Animal Life Cycle Material for Class IV Students of 23 Ampalu Public Elementary School". This type of research is a Research and Development (R&D) research using 4-D development modules, namely Define, Design, Development, and Disseminate. However, this research only reached the Development stage. The trial subjects of this learning module were fourth grade students of SD Negeri 23 Ampalu on Theme 6 KD 3.2 Comparing the life cycle cycle of several types of living things and linking them to their preservation efforts, 4.2 Creating a life cycle scheme for several types of living things in the surrounding environment, and slogans of efforts its preservation. The research instrument used a validation sheet and practicality. In the validation stage, the modules that have been designed are validated by a validator consisting of 3 lecturers from the Bung Hatta University Teacher Training and Education Faculty and the practicality stage is carried out after the module is validated and is feasible to be tested with the aim of knowing the practicality level of the learning module. Based on the results of research on the Development of Science Learning Module Based on Course Review Horay on Animal Life Cycle Material for Class IV Students of 23 Ampalu Public Elementary Schools with an overall validity average of 3,61 with a very valid category, while the overall average practicality by the teacher 84,33% with the practical category and get practical results by students with an average of 89% with the practical category. From the results of the research it can be concluded that the Science Learning Module Based on Course Review Horay on Animal Life Cycle Materials for Class IV Students of 23 Ampalu Public Elementary School is very valid and practical to use in science learning so that it can be used as one of the teaching materials in learning in grade IV SD. Negeri 23 Ampalu.


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