Development of E-Comic Media for Mathematics Learning on Measurement Materials for Class IV Elementary School Students
Kata Kunci:
Development, e-comic media, mathematics learning.Abstrak
Mathematics is learning that teaches about various life problems, one of which is arithmetic, algebra and others. In elementary school, to be precise in class IV, the learning process is dominated by the delivery of material from educators to students, there is no learning media, but theme books and textbooks as learning media. The activity was started by using the lecture method and several question and answer activities. And information was obtained from the homeroom teacher, that the use of media in learning activities is carried out only occasionally. After delivering the material, the educator gives the tasks contained in the book, be it a theme book or a textbook. Based on the experience of educators in previous learning years, measurement material is less attractive to students. As a guide in learning. The researcher conducted development research with the title "Development of E-Comic Media for Mathematics Learning on Measurement Mteriors for Class IV Elementary School Students”. This type of research is a research development (Research and Development) with the research model used is the type of PPE, namely Planning, Production, and Evaluation. This research was conducted at the beginning of the even semester of the 2020/2021 school year. The research instrument includes a validation sheet and a practicality sheet (questionnaire responses from educators and students). In the validation process, the media was validated by 2 lecturers (material experts and media experts). In the practicality process, the media was tried out by 1 educator and 18 students. Based on the results of the research, the development of E-Comic Media for Mathematics Learning on Measurement Materials for Class IV SD Negeri 15 Pancung Problem Pesisir Selatan students met very valid criteria with an assessment percentage of 90% and met very practical criteria with a percentage of 95%. So, it can be concluded that the e-comic media for learning mathematics on measurement material is very valid and very practical to be used as a medium for learning mathematics in grade IV SD.Referensi
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