Development of a Science Module with a Constructivism Approach to the Effect of Heat on Life in Class V SD Negeri 04 Lembah Melintang
Kata Kunci:
Module Development, Constructivism Approach, Science LearningAbstrak
Natural Science (IPA) is a part of life. In short, IPA can be defined as rational knowledge about the universe and everything in it. The researcher found that the module with a constructivist approach to science learning in this school was not yet available, besides the lack of availability of books at school or in the library, this had an impact on students having difficulty getting learning resources so that students only received lessons through explanations from the educators. In learning at SD Negeri 04 Lembah Melintang, there has not been a module with a constructivist approach in that school. Meanwhile, students need reading sources that can improve their understanding of the concepts they already have. The curriculum used by SD Negeri 04 Lembah Melintang is the 2013 curriculum, apart from using printed science books, students and educators also use LKPD in learning imported from outside the school. The available student activity sheets have little material and the pictures are less attractive so that it makes learning monotonous, and does not involve the activeness of students in the learning process. Therefore, the researcher conducted development research with the title "Development of a Science Module with a Constructivism Approach to the Effect of Heat on Life in Class V SD Negeri 04 Lembah Melintnag". This type of research is a Research and Development (R&D) research using a 4-D development model, namely Define, Design, Development and Disseminate. However, this research only reached the Develop stage. The subjects of the trial of this science learning module were fifth grade students of SD Negeri 04 Lembah Melintang on the effect of heat on life. The instrument in this study used a validity and practicality sheet. In the validation stage, the module that has been designed is continued with validation activities by a validator consisting of 3 lecturers from the Teaching and Education Faculty, Bung Hatta University. And the practicality stage is carried out by teachers and students with the aim of knowing the practical level of the science learning module. From the research results it can be concluded that the science module with the constructivism approach produced is very valid and very practical to use in science learning so that it can be used as one of the teaching materials in class V SD Negeri 04 Lembah Melintang.Referensi
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Executive Summery