Development of Lkpd for Mathematics Subjects in Total Numbers Using the Problem Based Learning Model for Class I Special Assistance Schools in Dumai City


  • HAYATI Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Amrina Universitas Bung Hatta

Kata Kunci:

LKPD, Mathematics, Problem Based Learning


Mathematics is one of the disciplines that can improve thinking and argumentation skills, contribute to solving daily problems and in the world of work, and provide support in the development of science and technology ”Susanto (2013: 185). Currently at SDN Special Assistance in Dumai City, the learning process is carried out by learning online, namely the teacher provides learning videos taken from the internet and questions according to the material in the theme book then designed using power points. Then, the teacher has not been able to create learning with a learning atmosphere that is fun, enjoyable and attracts students' interest at home so that it does not stimulate students to easily understand the material provided by the teacher. Students do not understand the learning process using the Problem Based Learning model. Researchers conducted research with the title "Development of LKPD Mathematics Learning on Counted Numbers using the Problem Based Learning Model for Class 1 SDN Special Assistance in Dumai City". This type of research is a Research and Development (R&D) research using a 4-D development research model, namely Define, Design, Development, and Disseminate. This research only reaches the Development stage. The subjects of this LKPD trial were 6 grade 1 students at the Special Assistance School of Dumai City on whole numbers. The instrument in this study used a validation sheet and practicality. In the validation stage, the LKPD that has been designed is validated by a validator consisting of 2 lecturers from the Teaching and Education Faculty, Bung Hatta University. Then, after being validated, the LKPD is feasible to be tested with the aim of knowing the practicality level of the LKPD. Based on the research results, the LKPD validation stage with the Problem Based Learning model met the very valid criteria with an average percentage of the assessment of 84.47%. At the practicality stage, LKPD with the Problem Based Learning model is a very practical criterion with an average percentage of assessment of 96.02%. From the results of the study it can be concluded that the LKPD on the material of whole numbers using the Problem Based Learning model for grade I SD meets very valid criteria and is very practical to be used as a teaching material in mathematics learning, especially for grade I students in elementary schools.


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