Development of Flashcard-Shaped Media in Mathematics Teaching Material of Simple Fractions for Class III SDN 27 Sago
Kata Kunci:
Flashcards, Development, Simple FractionsAbstrak
Mathematics is one of the fields of science that is obligatory in the field of education, mathematics is also a scientific concept that is always related to everyday life. In learning mathematics, educators are expected to be able to optimize their ability to improve students' ability to understand mathematics learning both verbally and nonverbally such as media in solving a problem. In the learning process, the educators only use a blackboard at SDN 27 Sago so that learning becomes less interesting, creative and innovative. Teachers tend not to use media in Mathematics learning so that the learning process that takes place becomes very tedious. The researcher conducted development research with the title "Development of Flashcard-Shaped Media in Mathematics Learning Material for Simple Fractions Class III SDN 27 Sago". The type of research used in this research is R&D. This research was carried out until the 3-D stage, namely define, design and develop. The research instrument consisted of a validation questionnaire sheet, a practicality questionnaire sheet, and a test sheet. To validate the media developed, it was carried out by 3 validators. Based on the results of research on the development of flashcard-shaped media for 3SD class students with an overall average validity of 87.27% with valid criteria, while the overall practicality average was 91.10% with very practical criteria. Furthermore, flashcard-shaped media is also included in the criteria. very good in the effectiveness of the media with the average value of effectiveness by students obtained from the test results, namely 85.45. From the research hadil, it can be concluded that this learning media in the form of flashcards is valid, very practical, and very good for use in mathematics learning so that it can be used as an alt model or learning media at SD Negeri 27 Sago.Referensi
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