Development of Student Worksheets Based on West Sumatra Culture Theme 1 Sub-theme 2 for Class IV Elementary Schools


  • OVARTADARA Universitas Bung Hatta
  • nora Universitas Bung Hatta

Kata Kunci:

LKPD, Thematic, West Sumatra culture


Thematic learning is a learning in which it links several subjects into a theme so that students think that learning is not boring because it is combined with games at the same time. The teaching materials used by the teacher in the learning process only use the theme book with the lecture method which occasionally also refers to the KTSP material. Students have difficulty understanding the lesson because they are not in direct proximity to the student environment. There is no teacher who has developed student worksheets that are interesting in thematic learning for theme 1 sub-theme 2. One of the efforts that can be made to improve this learning is by developing student worksheets. In order to achieve the learning objectives in thematic learning in class IV theme 1 sub-theme 2, it is necessary to have an educator who has skills in developing a product that can be used by students in learning in the form of student worksheets. The development of student worksheets needs to be done to help educators improve their abilities and understanding of the material in learning and by using student worksheets to attract more student interest because they are directly close to the student environment, namely the culture of West Sumatra. One of the interesting student worksheet developments is the development of student worksheets based on the culture of West Sumatra. Therefore, the researcher conducted a learning research in class IV theme 1 with the title "Participant Worksheet Development. This type of research is a development model (Research and development) which uses a 4D development model, namely define, design, development, and dissemination. 4 stages including the defining stage, the planning stage (design), the development stage (develop), the distribution stage (disseminate). In this study, researchers only examined the development stage, namely the trial phase. This research uses the validity stage and the practicality stage. The validity stage is the LKPD validation stage that will be used by educators and students, namely the validation of Mathematics material, Indonesian language material, Social Studies material, Science material, Civics material, LKPD design experts, and language experts. And the practicality stage is the level of LKPD implementation used by teachers and students. From the data analysis of the results of the questionnaire validity test of the student worksheet theme 1 sub-theme 2 for fourth grade elementary school students by several validators, namely material experts, design experts and linguists. The average value of validity is 90.55% with very valid criteria. Whereas from the data analysis of the questionnaire results, the practicality test of the student worksheet theme 1, sub-theme 2 for grade IV elementary school students by teachers and students. The average practicality value was 93.26% with very practical criteria. From the results of the study it can be concluded that the student worksheet theme 1 sub-theme 2 for grade IV elementary school students that was developed has met the criteria of being very valid and very practical. So that it can be used as a source or teaching material for theme 1 sub-theme 2 for grade IV elementary school students.


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