Development of Domino Card Based LKPD in Cooperative Learning Type STAD on the theme of Always Save Energy for Class IV Elementary Schools


  • hendri Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Alyusfitri Universitas Bung Hatta


Integrated thematic learning is learning that integrates various competencies from various subject matter into various themes so that learning can provide meaningful experiences to students. According to Puspita (2016) Integrated thematic learning is learning that integrates various competencies from various subjects into various themes. In addition, integrated thematic learning provides a pleasant learning experience because it is relevant to the lives of students. The purpose of this study was to describe the validation and practicality of LKPD products with domino card media in cooperative learning type STAD on the theme of always saving energy in grade IV elementary schools. The type of research and development used is the 4D model (Define, Design, Develop, Dessiminate). The subjects of the LKPD trial with Domino Cards were class IV SDN 04 Baringin with 27 students. The data collection instruments used were the validation sheet and the practicality sheet. The results of the analysis on the validity test obtained an average value of 75.17% with the valid category, the practicality test obtained an average of 92% with the very practical category. So, it can be concluded that LKPD with domino card media in cooperative learning type STAD can be applied in IV SDN 04 Baringin with the valid category, very practical. The validity of LKPD with domino card media in cooperative learning type STAD on the theme of always saving energy which was assessed by the three validators (expert team) with an average of 75.17% categorized as valid. The practical results of LKPD with domino card media in cooperative learning type STAD on the theme of always saving energy which was assessed by the two practitioners with an average of 92% categorized as very practical.


