
  • Chairumah Hasri Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Eril Syahmaidi Universitas Bung Hatta

Kata Kunci:

Tryout Application, Android, SMK


In the world of education today we are faced with more complex problems where qualified human resources and able to face the challenges of the times will be able to survive. Various efforts are carried out on an ongoing basis to improve the quality of education and teaching, including providing educational facilities and infrastructure, upgrading teachers, improving school curricula covering all fields of study taught in schools. For example in the academic section, at this time with a lot of media and questions provided in online media. So, with that, making this Android-based tryout application is one of the facilities that are considered to be able to help students who are trying to get into the college they want. This application is designed for students to take advantage of their Android to conduct a tryout or test to get into the desired college. Educational institutions today cannot be separated from the demands of the fast-paced and precise technological era. In this era of fast-paced and precise technology, it requires that the components of educational institutions are able and able to use and utilize existing technology. One of the uses of technology in educational institutions is expected to be able to overcome a problem and obstacle and find a solution to the problem. The current condition faced by students is the high cost incurred by parents in enrolling their children in tutoring (bimbel) related to preparation for college entrance. And for the next problem is the less than optimal use of cellphones. So that with this application, it is hoped that the use of mobile phones will be more useful and optimal again. Based on the problems that have been described, the researchers gave the title of this study with the title: Android- Based Tryout Application Design for Preparation for College Entrance Selection in Vocational High Schools To fulfill the purpose of writing, the writing is designed using the mModel used in this study is the waterfall model (Waterfall I). According to Rossa (2013), the waterfall model provides a sequential or sequential software lifeflow approach starting with analysis, design, coding, testing, and support stages. The data collection methods used in this study are: observation method, library/library study method, and type literature study. The type of research used is product design. This research is a process to design and validate the products used in the preparation of college entrance selection. The author designed an android-based application for preparation for college entrance selection in SMK. Based on the results of the research that has been done, it can be concluded that an android-based application has been designed to prepare for the selection of higher education in SMK. This application has the advantage of being easy to access anywhere and anytime and an attractive appearance so that it can attract the attention of students to learn


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