Development of Constructivism-Based Indonesian Language Module for Fourth Grade Students of SD Negeri 99/III Sungai Pegeh, Siulak District, Kerinci Regency


  • Valentia Monica Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Wirnita Universitas Bung Hatta


PENGEMBANGAN MODUL PEMBELAJARAN BAHASA INDONESIA BERBASIS KONSTRUKTIVISME PADA SISWA KELAS IV SD NEGERI 99/III SUNGAI PEGEH KECAMATAN SIULAK KABUPATEN KERINCI Monika Valentia1, Wirnita Eska2 1Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Bung Hatta e-mail : ABTRACT The lack of availability of printed books for Indonesian subjects or learning resources as well as the lack of teachers using thematic books and only focusing on Student Worksheets (LKS) as learning resources at SD Negeri 99/III Sungai Pegeh, thus making students have difficulty understanding reading texts and not have knowledge in intensive reading, and lack of focus on the lessons given by the teacher, because teachers tend to use conventional methods (lectures and questions and answers). This study aims to develop a Constructivism-based Indonesian learning module for grade IV elementary school students that is valid, practical and effective. The theory of learning is in accordance with the opinion of Hamalik (2007), the theory of the constructivism approach of Trianto's opinion (2016) and Fitri, R (2017), and the theory of the module proposed by Daryanto (2013) and Prastowo (2016). The type of research is Research and Development (research and development). This Constructivism-based Indonesian language learning module was developed using 4-D which was limited to 3-D, due to limited knowledge, ability and time. The research was conducted in the even semester of the 2020/2021 academic year. Data collection is done by validating the developed module. The module design that has been designed is validated by three expert lecturers, for practicality testing the module is carried out on teachers and fourth grade elementary school students, and for testing the effectiveness of the test results for fourth grade students at SD Negeri 99/III Sungai Pegeh, Siulak District, Kerinci Regency. The results showed that the module produced was very valid by the validator with a value of (91.71%). The module that has been developed is very practical by the teacher with a value of practicality (90.00%), also considered very practical according to the value of practicality (92.2%), and the module developed is very effective with a value of (83.75%). Thus, it can be said that the module developed is very practical and effective for fourth grade elementary school students. Furthermore, the Indonesian language learning module can be used by teachers as an alternative to Indonesian language learning materials at SD Negeri 99/III Sungai Pegeh, Siulak District, Kerinci Regency. Keywords: Module, Development, Constructivism, Indonesian.



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