Development of Science Learning Modules Based on Problem Based Learning Theme 6 Fourth Grade Students at SDN 06 Empang Teras


  • Yola Oktarita Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Rona Sari Universitas Bung Hatta


DEVELOPMENT OF SCIENCE-BASED LEARNING MODULE PROBLEM BASED LEARNING THEME 6 STUDENTS OF CLASS IV SDN 06 EMPANG TERAS Yola Oktarita1, Rona Taula Sari1 1Elementary School Teacher Education Study Program Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Hatta Flower University e-mail: This study aims to produce a valid and practical probem based learning (PBL) science learning module for the fourth grade students of SDN 06 Empang Teras as many as 13 people. This type of research is research and development using a 4-D model which is limited to 3-D, namely define, design, and develop. The research instrument was a validation questionnaire of 3 validators and a questionnaire on the practicality of teacher and student responses. The results showed that the module developed was very valid from the language aspect with a value of 3.8, valid from the material aspect with a value of 3.6 and valid from the design aspect with a value of 3.33 so that the average validation of 3 expert lecturers was 3.57 with valid criteria. The teacher's practicality test in terms of ease of use was obtained a value of 76% quite practical, the benefits of 100% very practical, 100% time suitability was quite practical, so that the average presentation of practicality by the teacher was 92% with a very practical category. Practicality by students in terms of increasing student creativity is obtained a value of 93.26 is very practical, student interest is 93.26% very practical, the process of using it is 94.71% very practical, available time is 95.19% very practical and evaluation is 90.38% very practical so that the average percentage of students' practicality is 93.36% with a very practical category. It can be concluded that the problem-based learning (PBL) science learning module meets the valid and practical criteria so that it can be used in learning in the fourth grade of elementary school. With this module, it is expected that students can build their knowledge in the learning process, students can develop and this module can be used as learning material and additional learning resources. Keywords: Module Development, Problem Based Learning (PBL), Science Learning



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