Development of Scientific-Based Science Learning Module on the Characteristics and Needs of Living Creatures Class III SDN 05 Guguak Malintang, Pasaman Regency


  • Kenny Novia Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Wince Hendri Universitas Bung Hatta


DEVELOPMENT OF SCIENCE-BASED SCIENCE LEARNING MODULE ON MATERIALS OF CHARACTERISTICS AND NEEDS OF LIVING THINGS CLASS III SDN 05 GUGUAK MALINTANG, PASAMAN REGENCY Kenny Novia1, Wince Hendri1 Primary School Teacher Education Study Program Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Bung Hatta University e-mail: ABSTRACT This study aims to produce a valid and practical scientific-based science learning module for the third grade students of SDN 05 Guguak Malintang as many as 9 people. This type of research is research and development of 3-D models, namely define, design, and develop. The research instrument is a validation questionnaire of 3 validators and a practicality questionnaire for teachers and students. The results showed that the module developed was valid with an average validation of 3 expert lecturers of 3.43. The practicality test by the teacher was obtained by an average presentation of 87% in the practical category. Based on the results of research on the development of scientific-based learning modules for class III SDN 05 Guguak Malintang, Pasaman Regency, it is included in the practical category with an average percentage of student practicality of 88.5%. From the results of the study, it can be concluded that the scientific-based science learning module meets the valid and practical criteria so that it can be used in learning in third grade elementary school, so that the module can be used independently. Keywords: Module Development, Saintific, Science Learning



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